2014年9月30日 星期二
(Exchanging Englishness across Europe and India: Lear’s Landscape of Nonsense)
As a landscape artist, Lear conveyed numerous sceneries from Europe and India onto paper and later developed them into full paintings and illustrations for his journals. In Lear’s journals, there are at least two levels of translation and transcription: Lear first had to transfer foreign scenery and culture onto paper without limiting their exoticism—this was vital to the success of his works; second, the sense of foreignness in Lear’s works had to be domesticized in order for the British public to look favourably upon him as an England gentleman in his travels.
Besides perusing the cultural cross-fertilization, this research will also examine the degree of internal exchange between Lear’s visual and verbal text within his journals and his nonsenses. I hope to prove in this research that the complexity and polyphony in Lear’s nonsense is the key to unravel the conflicts and doubts he experiences during his travels and when he practices his aestheticism.