


2014年9月30日 星期二 張貼者: Transformax


  • 英國浪漫文學


                  (British Romantic Cityscapes: The Metropolis and Its Visual                                      Translations)


This project aims to examine how the cityscape in British Romantic literature is experienced, constructed, and “translated” in myriad ways into verbal and visual modes of representation. Ever since its inception as a visible cultural movement, Romanticism has typically privileged nature over culture, the savage noble over the artifice of civilization, the country over the city. In the past few years, however, critics have begun to attend to the long-neglected importance of the city and the metropolis in the formation of Romantic literature. Recent publications include Romantic Metropolis: the Urban Scene of British Culture, 1780-1840, edited by James Chandler and Kevin Gilmartin (Cambridge UP, 2006), and Romanticism and the City, edited by Larry H. Peer (Palgrave, 2011). In these new collections, the urban landscape emerges as a complex nexus of representation: as consumer materiality, as imperial nucleus, as visual spectacle, as an abstract idea of space. Most intriguing are the ways in which the strict dichotomy of country/city are broken down and reorganized into new, encompassing modes of seeing. The theoretical framework for this project will begin by questioning and revising Raymond Williams’s classic account of Romanticism in The Country and the City (1973), proceed through materialist critiques of metropolitan experience in Georg Simmel, Walter Benjamin, and Michel de Certeau, as well as theorists of visual culture such as W. J. T. Mitchell and Griselda Pollack.
